+31 6 34417041 ralf@bliqsem.nl

Bliqsem Teamtraining

Teambuilding powered by 

Together Everyone Achieves More

The power of a Bliqsem Teamtraining



Improve collaboration of teams in a fast and fun way.


Improve motivation and energy of participants


Fast and fun way to improve teams with a new method.


 Encourage trust within a team for faster results.

What is a Bliqsem Teamtraining

Through a better collaboration, employees can contribute extremely to the results of a company. Bliqsem has a lot of knowledge and experience in teambuilding activities and team training. The participants learn to collaborate in a unique and fun way. The Bliqsem Teamtraining is powered by the WeQu® Feedback game, which is a teambuilding game where participants learn to collaborate and to learn from each other. Your team will improve collaboration, through a teambuilding session. The teambuilding session is a combination of a Bliqsemsession and playing WeQu® Feedback game.

Why a Bliqsem TeamTraining


Share information and problems with team members.


beter samenwerken team building


Know your team members personally



Acknowledge, express and develop qualities


feedback beter samenwerken team building


Openness about strengths and weaknesses of your team


Luisteren beter samenwerken team building


Learn to listen to your team members


Luisteren beter samenwerken team building

Personal growth

Develop and encourage personal growth


How does a Bliqsem TeamTraining work

Part 1: Improve collaboration with WeQu

The first part of the Bliqsem Team Training consists of playing the WeQu® Feedback game. Bliqsem coöperates with the developers of WeQu. Thanks to this close collaboration, teams can improve their collaboration in a fast and fun way. The WeQu feedback game is a powerful teambuilding activity. We offer accompaniment and control when the teambuilding game is played. Participants experience that giving and receiving of feedback is easy which leads to better collaboration. This innovative teambuilding activity does not only lead to a fast result, but also to a fun and powerful teambuilding session.

Part 2: Direct results with a Bliqsemsession

During the second part of the Bliqsem Team Training, we start to focus on goals. We use the techniques which we have learned during the first part of the Team Training. The Bliqsemsession  is based on our unique ;five step methodology’. We have developed this methodology in the past years, to get to the most optimal results. We organize the ideas from the Bliqsemsession and we focus on the session together. Due to this part of the session we book better and faster results. The results of the teambuilding session are summarized for you to gain more results.

Organizing a Bliqsem Team Training

Bliqsem teamtraining teambuilding spel teambuilding activiteit WeQu

The power of Bliqsem is a clear and hands-on approach. We are always happy to discuss the possibilities of a Bliqsem Team Training! Do you want to bring your team up to the next level or do you want improve the collaboration? Together, we can organize the perfect Bliqsem Team Training that suits your team best. We offer our services in flexible setups, so we can adapt to your needs and requirements.

Bliqsem Teamtraining FAQ

Hoe ziet de Bliqsem Teamtraining er uit?

De Bliqsem teamtraining bestaat uit twee delen. Enerzijds het teambuilding spel WeQu, anderzijds een Bliqsemsessie. Door de teambuilding activiteit te combineren met een brainstormsessie wordt naast beter samenwerken nog een andere doelstelling behaald. We gaan graag met u in gesprek over uw doelstellingen.

Waar wordt de Bliqsem Teamtraining gehouden?

De Bliqsem Teamtraining kan op diverse locaties gegeven worden. Deze locatie faciliteren wij voor u. Wanneer u zelf over een locatie beschikt of mee wil denken in de keuze van een locatie is dit uiteraard ook mogelijk.

Hoeveel personen kunnen deelnemen aan de Bliqsem Teamtraining?

Het teambuilding spel WeQu is geschikt om te spelen met 4-25 personen. De teambuilding activiteit is het meest effectief met deze capaciteit aan deelnemers. Heeft u andere wensen of een andere samenstelling van deelnemers? Neem dan contact met ons op. We kijken graag met u hoe we de teambuilding sessie succesvol kunnen organiseren

Wat is de prijs van de Bliqsem Teamtraining?

Afhankelijk van de locatie, tijdsduur, aantal deelnemers en faciliteiten kunnen wij u een goede kostenindicatie bieden. Het is lastig hier zonder achtergrondinformatie iets over te zeggen. Tijdens een eerste oriënterend gesprek kunnen wij u van meer informatie voorzien omtrent kosten.


Klokgebouw 143
5617 AB Eindhoven
06-3441 7041
